In our tenth episode, Dustin and Rene handle listener comments and discuss backup procedures, protocols and technology before hopping on their soapboxes and diving deep into the nebulous world of working with clients. Gearslutz – Expectations versus Reality Good Advice
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dealing with people in the workplace and in the real world
In this episode, the Tonebenders reach for something a little different and Dustin, Timothy and Rene are joined by director Daniel Ryan. Whether directing music videos, short films or commercials, Daniel has a keen ear for sound. We discuss the collaborative process – from when to schedule time with the…
Comments closedIn Episode 4, we welcome special guest Paul Virostek to join regulars Dustin Camillari, Timothy Muirhead and Rene Coronado to talk about mastering Sound Effects and prepping them to be added to your master SFX library. Paul also tells us all about his new eBook: Field Recording: From Research to…
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