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295 – Blitz

Director Steve McQueen’s new film, Blitz, is full of stunning visuals. The audio team was tasked with coming up with sounds that could match, and often exceed, the beauty of the images they are accompanying. The war surrounding our main characters is often happening off screen, as the bombs are raining down as a catalyst for the human drama happening in underground shelters and tube stations. The team had to dream up the sound design of steam trains, massive fires and explosions galore.  All of this while creating a realistic sound scape for 1940s London. James Harrison and Paul Cotterell both served as Blitz’s re-recording mixers and supervising sound editors and they are joined in this talk by production sound mixer John Casali.

(L-R) James Harrison, Paul Cotterell & Jahn Casali

This episode is sponsored by Sound Ideas


John Casali on IMDB

James Harrison on IMDB

Paul Cotterell on IMDB

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