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277 – Sound Design For Horses

When working on a project that features horses on screen, the sound design can be broken up into 3 main categories: Their hooves, Saddle/Bridle, and their Vocalizations and Breathing. None of these are easy to design the sound for. Luckily we have some of the most talented people working in audio post-production chiming in, to tell us how they approach horses in their work. Paula Fairfield, George Haddad, Wylie Statemen, Gary Hecker, Mandell Winter, Robert Stambler, Don Sylvester and Sandra Fox all pony up their hard earned knowledge.

Sandra Fox Does a quick Horse Hoof Foley Demonstration (2:24)
Wylie Stateman, Don Sylvester and Mandell Winter talk about doing sound for horses in westerns (4:20)
Gary Hecker discusses his work for both horse foley and as a voice actor specializing in horse vocalizations (12:15)
Robbie Stambler and Paula Fairfield breakdown a specific horse scene from The Rings Of Power (26:30)
George Haddad explains his horse sound design workflow on the many western series he has been Sound Supervisor on (31:20)

All horse photos taken by Kim Zayac


Paula Fairfield On IMDB

George Haddad on IMDB

Gary Hecker On IMDB

Wylie Stateman On IMDB

Mandell Winter On IMDB

Robert Stambler On IMDB

Don Sylvester On IMDB

Sandra Fox On IMDB

Tonebenders Eps. 023 with Sandra Fox and Footsteps Foley Studio

Tonebenders Eps 146 Sound Design For Westerns Roundtable featuring Wylie Statemen, Don Sylvester and Mandell Winter.

Tonebenders Eps 215 with Paula Fairfield & Robbie Stambler talking about The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power Season 1.

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