Two recordists at the top of the game have come together to do a very deep dive into the art of recording the sounds of rain.
Thomas went to Alaska and embarked on a massive recording trip, the culmination of which was his Alaska bundle, which contains the excellent sublibary: Alaska Rain.
In preparation for this trip, Thomas consulted closely with George Vlad of Mindful Audio, and tapped into his extensive experience recording rain in the Amazon Rainforest and African Jungle.
One of the key techniques George has developed is the idea of constructing rain shields from local vegetation.
Gear mentioned throughout include the Cinela suspension and mounts.
At the end of the talk we discuss George’s new volcano sounds library as well – it’s well worth the diversion.
Check out the photos, listen and enjoy!
setting up a rain canopy dry bag wet DPAs butterflies behind the truck cinela out in the rain
I found this podcast on Youtube after discovering George Vlad’s awesome audio there. You folks make wonderful recordings! Thank you! This is very helpful – I’ve been wondering how to better record rain without a shelter. I do wish at times you’d be a bit more careful about pronouncing the names of pieces of equipment. Also the host should introduce himself!
NB: Currently there’s nothing on the Cinela website, except “Coming back soon.”